
Sunday, January 24, 2010


We got a call on Monday that our son, Reese, age 2, was ready to join our family from Haiti. We couldn't be more thrilled. Reese's birth mom gave him his name. We have given him the middle name, “Samuel”, which means, “I asked the Lord for him.” It has been a whirlwind since we have gotten the call. We weren't expecting everything to happen so quickly. Fabulous friends and family have jumped to pray for us, arrange transportation, and start an adoption fund-raising account for us.

Within 72 hours, we had just about everything we needed to bring him home. Wonderful friends and family have given us the things we've needed to help us get ready.

Right now we are down in the Cities waiting to hop on a plane to go get him. We've had a great weekend in the Cities enjoying good friends and good food. It was fun to relax as a couple as we wait to add our fifth child. Davey and I still laugh that we are the parents of five children. Wow, that is a lot of children!

We really don't know when everything is going to happen or how, but we are along for the ride!


  1. excited for you guys and praying for you! Safe travels!

  2. he is a cutie, i am so excited for you guys.

  3. You are blessed. Isn't it great to know we have a God Who sees the future?!

  4. Hi Sarah and Dave. Our family is so happy for you. Reese is very blessed to have you as his parents. Have a safe trip and take lots of pictures. We can't wait to see your little boy soon.God bless your trip and keep you all safe. All our Love Cheryl and John

  5. We wanna be there when you arrive at the airport with him! If there ever ws a couple that can handle a whole day care of children it's you guys.

  6. Sarah will you be getting in at the airport in the cites? If so our family would love to come to greet you too!!!
